Olympus BX51
ASIA (North East)
Observation method Transmission: bright field
Epi-illumination: bright field, dark field,
high intensity (UV) illumination bright field
Stage stroke X110×Y110mm
Total magnification 50x, 100x, 200x, 500x, 1000x
Lens tube U-TR30-2
Eyepiece WH10X (number of fields of view 22)
Illumination Epi-illumination (double lamp house: halogen, mercury), transmission (halogen)
Objective lens MPlan N BD5x, 10x, 20x, 50x, 100x
Others Mercury illumination transformer
Stage Large lower right handle Microscope digital camera DP72 (2/3 type color, effective pixels 1.45 million pixels)
[Device status]
・Instruction manual included (there is no instruction manual for DP72)
・Installed mirror unit
U-MBF3 (bright field halogen light source)
U-MDF3 (dark field halogen light source)
U-MBFL3 (bright field high brightness light source)