
KLA-Tencor SFS 6200

Ref : 2697519-9-AW
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : KLA-Tencor
Model : SFS 6200
Year(s) : 1994
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
ASIA (North East)

Model SFS 6200
Wafer Size 8"
Vintage 1994-2
Tool's Condition Excellent

- Wafer Size : 4 - 8 inch.
- Non-patterned surface Inspection System.
- 0.1 micron Defect Sensitivity (PSL STD).
- 0.02 ppm Haze Sensitivity.
- 0.002 ppm Haze Resolution.
- Accuracy within 1%.
- XY coordinates.
- Lock Down accessories.
- Tencor approved blower assembly.
- 30mW New Ar-Laser
- 208V/60HZ, 17A.
- Windows 3.1.
- Software version: 2.1

*. Fully refurbished.
*. Installed in Clean-room.
*. Can demonstrate any time.

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