
Varian VIISTA 80

Ref : 2681902-9-CP
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : Varian
Model : VIISTA 80
Year(s) : 2000
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)

High Current Implanter
Version: 200 mm SMIF
Vintage: 01.12.2000
Current Status of tool: In cleanroom, idled
-The tool is in working condition
-Through the wall tool configuration
-Fitted with Dual 200 mm SMIF pods
-Power supply: 208VAC 3 phase, 50/60 Hz
-Gas box: 5 sticks, with HP and SDS2
-Chiller type: Affinity RAA-012K-CE55CBC
-Max beam energy: 80 KeV
-HDD will be included
-Can be inspected by appointment

Varian Semiconductor offers a full suite of
single wafer ion implanters covering a
wide range of doping and materials modification used in
semiconductor applications.
All applications use the VIISta Platform .
The VIISta platform has enabled the transition from batch to
single wafer systems, by providing precise angle control,
low defectivity and particle control and high productivity.
All VIISta single-wafer, single-platform products utilize a
common single-wafer backbone with optimized beam lines for
specific ion implantation applications.
-Energy Range 200 eV - 80 keV

Implant Dose Performance:
-Dose Range: 2E12 - 1E16, (4E12 – 1E16 ions/cm 2 - quad mode)
Uniformity: ≥ 10 keV, 1σ ≤ 1.0% mean dose across wafer
500 eV to 10 keV, 1σ ≤ 1 . 5% mean dose across wafer
for optimized anneal
Repeatability: ≥ 10keV, 1σ ≤ 0.7% mean dose of wafers
500 eV to 10 keV, 1σ ≤ 1% mean dose of wafers
Beam Parallelism:± 1o in X and Y axis for ≥ 10 keV drift

Resolution: M/∆M > 60 FWHM

Process Angles:-
Tilt: ±45o; 2 axis; Programable in 1o steps; accuracy ±0.5o
Orientation:0 - 360o; programable in 1o steps; accuracy ± 1o
Rotation: Equivalent multi-tilt, quad mode

Wafer Cooling: Gas cooled electrostatic platen
200mm < 100oC @ 800 W beam power
300mm < 100oC @ 1200 W beam power

Particle Spec: ≤ 0.15 particles added/cm 2 @ ≥ 0.16μm particles
Max. Throughput: More than 250 x 200mm wafer per hour.
More than 230 x 300mm wafer per hour.

Wafer Handling: Backside pick and place wafer orientation
Load Ports: Two (2) independent cassette load locks

Wafer Breakage: MWBB 1:100,000

Metal Contamination: Al < 50ppm of implanted dose
Transition and Heavy Metals (Fe, Cr, Ni, Cu) < 5ppm of
implant dose

Other machines similar to Varian VIISTA 80

Location : ASIA (North East)
Location : AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
Location : ASIA (North East)
Year(s) : 1995