
Celaschi TSA 320C / N M Tenoner

Ref : 2207071-15-W
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : Celaschi
Model : TSA 320C / N M
Short Description : Tenoner
Year(s) : 1999
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
EUROPE (Western and Northern)

Working width max mm: 3,000
Working width min mm: 200
Passage height max mm: 180
Feed max m / min: 24
Infinitely variable feed
Aggregates per side total: 5
Scoring: 1
Machiners: 1
Milling units / total side: 2
Sanding units: 1
Profile grinding tool
Electric height adjustment
Cam: Yes
Cam distance mm: 400
Width adjustment: positioning control
Positioning aggregates: pneumatic
Longitudinal machining
Cross machining
CE mark
Total connection kW: 66.00

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Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)