
Siemens Symphony Tim

Ref : 2706955-14-MT
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : Siemens
Model : Symphony Tim
Year(s) : -
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
EUROPE (Western and Northern)

Siemens Symphony Tim - 1.5T

Field strength: 1.5T
Partnumber: 10018223
MRI type: ultracompact
Bore size: 60 cm
FOV: 50
Minimum room size: 20 m2
System length: 160 cm

Magnet type: Superconducting, OR70TT

Condition: used
Warranty: no
MED-Refn: 25-33418-MRI

Software Summary: syngo MR B19; NUMARIS/4
Software Packages:
COEM VZ10G_04P04
syngo VH22C24P29CSI04
N4VB19BFEATURE20170613SH01_F1 (SH11)
N4VB19BFEATURE20170613SH02_F3 (SH02)
SecurityDeliverySD05F3 (SD05)
SecurityDeliverySD08F14 (installed via SD11)
SecurityDeliverySD09F2 (installed via SD11)
SecurityDeliverySD10F2 (installed via SD11)
SecurityDeliverySD11F4 (SD11)
N4VB19BLATEST20170613P12 (SP01)
OperatingUpdateOU05F5 (OU05)
N4VB19BLATEST20170613P25 (SP02)
OperatingUpdateOU10F1 (OU10)
OperatingUpdateOU13F2 (OU13 - Savelog fixes)
SecurityDeliverySD12F3 (SD12 - ESU2)
N4VB19BLATEST20170613P36 (SP03)
OperatingUpdateOU14F4 (OU14 - syngo password store fix)

NTimApplication, SYNGOGENERALLICENSE, NMatrixMode, CAP3DMAIN, CAP3DVOIMODE, CAP3DFILTERMIP, CAP3DFILTERSSD, GETWORKLIST, NPhoenixZIP, MRSupporti, NInlineDIS3D, MRICVMAIN, MPPSSUPPORT, MRDIS3D, QuantumGradient, N11BoldImaging, N11TGSE, N11AdvCardiac, MRIARGUSMAIN, MRIARGUSVFANALYSIS, N11FlowQuant, NRealtime, MRIARGUSFLOWANALYSIS, NAdvFunctNeuro, MRComposingSpine, NWholeBody, NDiffusion, NPerfusion, Tim18, N11Adv3D, NInlineComposing, NStepping, NSWI, NBLADE, NDynamic3D, NTClass, NTimCTFastView, NTimCTAngio, NNative, MRIARGUS4DVF, MRInlineVF, MRSTEREOTACTICTSE

m.e.d. Standard Coils Package:
Head Matrix
Neck Matrix
Spine Matrix
Body Matrix
4Ch Flex Large
TxRx Knee, 15CH

Coils Trolley

Available from 06/2025

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Location : AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
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