
Rudolph MetaPulse 200mm

Ref : 2702907-9-CP
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : Rudolph
Model : MetaPulse 200mm
Year(s) : 2002
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
EUROPE (Western and Northern)

MP200 double path tool
non copper tool; double path tool delay stage;
6 inch chuck
Cooling Water Required Minimum Flow: 0.79 GPM (3.00 l/m)
Minimum Temperature: 12 ºC (54 ºF, 285.00 ºK)
Maximum Temperature: 20 ºC (68 ºF, 293 ºK)
Operating Air Pressure 14.00 PSI (96,534.20 N/sq m)
Vacuum Required 0.98 in Hg (24.89 mm Hg)
Contactless metal thickness measurement
Wafer Size Range 150mm - 200mm
Multi-Layer Film Capacity: YES
Micro Spot Optics: YES
Wafer Mapping: YES
Controller Type: PC Controller Type
External Cooling: Water Cooled

Cooling Water Required:
Minimum Flow: 0.79 GPM (3.00 l/m)
Minimum Temperature: 12 ºC (54 ºF, 285.00 ºK)
Maximum Temperature: 20 ºC (68 ºF, 293 ºK)

Operating Air Pressure: 14.00 PSI (96,534.20 N/sq m)
Vacuum Required: 0.98 in Hg (24.89 mm Hg)
Condition: Good
Year of Manufacture: 2006

Other machines similar to Rudolph MetaPulse 200mm

Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Year(s) : 2006
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Year(s) : 1996
Location : United States (USA)
Year(s) : 2011
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)