Hitachi SU8040 Scanning Electron Microscope
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Hitachi SU8040 Scanning Electron Microscope,
is a high-quality SEM used in various industries, research,
and educational settings for imaging and analyzing the surface of
specimens at high resolution.
Nanotechnology fields, such as semiconductors, electronics,
catalysis and other functional materials, biotechnology and
pharmaceuticals are being researched world-wide as
core competencies for next generation cutting-edge technologies. Ultra
High Resolution FE-SEM has grown to be an indispensable tool to
observe the fine surface structure of materials in a wide range of
nanotechnology fields.
Hitachi High-Tech has developed the SU8000 Series to
fulfill tomorrow’s market needs. The new SU8000 Series has
excellent imaging performance throughout the range,
and offers a variety of stages, chambers and signal detection systems to
meet the wide variety of customer-specific needs for
ultra high resolution microscopy.
The SU8040 that features a newly developed Regulus Stage.
The Regulus stage has the capability that can be operated smoothly even at
ultra high resolution. The Regulus stage has adopted a high reliable
conventional motor drive, but the capability has been greatly improved thanks to the newly developed motor drive train.
Now the Regulus stage can achieve seamless stage operation and
high throughput observation without any stress.
Also, includes YAG Backscatter detector.