Yasda YBM-9150VII 3 Axis
ASIA (North East)
Year 2018
Control device : FANUC Series 31i-M B5
Table size : 900×1,500 mm
Maximum load : 3,000 kg
Travel X: 1,500 Y: 900 Z: 450 mm
Distance from spindle end to table top : 150-600 mm
Spindle speed : 100-24,000 rpm
Tool shank : BT40 (BIG Plus)
ATC : 60 stations
Floor space required : 3,710×4,950 mm Height: 3,415 mm
Machine weight : Approx. 18,000 kg
Operating hours : 14,784 h
Cutting hours : 13,289 h
Scale feedback X, Y, Z axes (0.0001mm command)
Air coolant through spindle center (micro fog coolant)
Touch sensor (for work measurement)
Tool length and diameter measurement, tool breakage detection
Cutting fluid temperature control device
Machine temperature control device
In-machine screw conveyor (2 units, left and right)
External scraper chip conveyor with separator (left rear discharge)
Mist collector
One-way positioning, helical interpolation, rigid tap
Smooth interpolation, optional block skip
First data server
Program memory capacity 4MB
High-speed machining function
(High-speed processing, AI contour control II, nano smoothing)