
XYZ XYZ ProtoTRAK SMX2500 CNC Bed Mill Variabl

Ref : 2698267-3-MT
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : XYZ
Model : XYZ ProtoTRAK SMX2500
Type : CNC Bed Mill
Spindle Speed : Variabl
Year(s) : 2016
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
EUROPE (Western and Northern)

XYZ ProtoTRAK SMX2500 CNC Bed Mill
Year: 2016

SMX Control
Table 1245 x 228mm
Trav 780 x 390 x 560mm
3HP head

R8 spindle taper
c/w Table guards
Power Drawbar

Features – Advanced Features
Network, TRAKing/ E Handwheels
DXF, Advanced Features with Verify

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