
XYZ UMC 4+1, 20 CNC Machining Centre 5 Axis

Ref : 2706603-3-MT
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : XYZ
Model : UMC 4+1, 20 CNC Machining Centre
Nb Of Axis : 5 Axis
Year(s) : 2021
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
EUROPE (Western and Northern)

XYZ UMC 4+1, 20 CNC Machining Centre
Year: 2021

Siemens 828D CNC ShopMill Control
Travel X-600mm, Y-600mm, Z500mm, A-(tilt) +120 degrees/-120 degrees
C-360 degrees
Rapids XYZ 36m/min
C- 90rpm, A- 16,6 rpm
Table size 600mm dia
Table capacity 600kgs
12,000rpm, 33 ATC, BT40
20 bar through spindle coolant
Swarf Conveyor
Renishaw HPRA Toolsetting arm
Linear Scales

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Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
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Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
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