Will 280S
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Technical specifications:
Reel width: min. 600mm, max. 1.130 mm (1.150mm)
Reel diameter: max. 1520mm
Core diameter: min. 70mm, max. 150mm
Printing length: min. 350 mm, max. 720 mm
Cutting range cross cutter: min. 210mm (190mm), max 720mm
Cutting frequency: max. 1500/min
Sheet count per web: min. 4, max. 64
Book thickness unfolded/folded: max. 6mm/12mm
Number of pockets: 3-5
Size range:
Unbound side: mix. 100mm, max. 245mm
Bound side: mix. 135mm, max. 373mm
Deep pile delivery: mix. 600mmx300mm, max. 1130mmx720mm
Mechanical capacity
Ruling section: 500m/min
Converting section: 100 /120 strokes/min
Corresponding to books/minute: bis 720