Wean 48" x 7.00" x 25,000" Slitting Line
AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
Wean Slitting Line
48" x 7.00" x 25,000"
-Width: 48" Wide
-Gauge: 0.020" - 0.187"
-Maximum Coil: 25,000#
-Line Direction: Left to Right
Consisting of:
-Entry Coil Car:
Above Floor Type
Self-Contained Hydraulics
Hydraulic Expansion
(4) Segment Mandrel
16" - 20" I.D. w/Pads for 24"
AC Motor Threading Drive w/Air Clutch
Sliding Base
-Holddown Roll Unit:
Rubber Covered Roll, Hyd. Motor Driven
-Peeler Table:
Hyd. Cylinder Operated
Attached to Crop Shear Base
-Crop Shear:
Hydraulic Cylinder Actuated
Downcut Design
-Slitter Head:
7" Dia. Arbors
Entry Pinch Rolls
Entry Side Guides, Manual Adjustment
Parallel Arbor Adjustment
AC Motor Threading Drive
-Scrap Winder:
Oscillate Wind
Hydraulic Motor Driven
Manual Scrap Ball Removal
-Recoiler: Cauffiel
20" Dia. Drum
Manual Clamp and Expansion
Hydraulic Pushoff
Drive Motor
-Freestanding Overarm Separator:
-Exit 3 Arm Turnstile
Hydraulic Pushoff
Powered Rotation
-Slitter Tooling:
-Line is Installed and Under Power