VYC Iindustrial
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Cylindrical and fixed horizontal autoclave, used to sterilize food products.
The equipment is entirely made of AISI 304 stainless steel.
Manufacturer: VYC INDUSTRIAL, S.A.
Type: AE-7800
Year of manufacture: 2002
Maximum service pressure: 2 bar
Design pressure: 2 bar
Bell pressure: 2 bar
Hydraulic test pressure: 3 bar
Maximum service temperature: 110 °C
Design temperature: 150 °C
Elastic limit in design temperature: 140 n/mm2
Volume: 7.8 m3
Contained fluids: water/air
Material: AISI 304 stainless steel.
Chamber dimensions: diameter 1,480 mm, length 4,500 mm.
Complete with 8 baskets made of stainless-steel sheet metal and 6 dollies to move them.
Basket dimensions: Inside 980x1,000x950 mm / Outside 1,070x1,060x975 mm.
Recently overhauled and in perfect working order.