
Tyco SEP 3T, Shuttle Electric Press

Ref : 2629484-9-W
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : Tyco
Model : SEP 3T, Shuttle Electric Press
Year(s) : 2008
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)

Standalone electric press for the application of PCBs onto compliant pin housings or connectors
• Servo electric press with shuttle system for
product location under press ram
• Housing capacity of 3” x 6” [75 mm x 150 mm].
Other sizes are possible.
• Press force capacity up to 3 tons [27 kN]
• Ability to monitor and control force, distance and
speed for every press cycle
• Option pin penetration sensing (PPS) tooling assure proper pin penetration
• Full SPC data of every component pressed for quality assurance and traceability
• Database driven software for simple programming and automatic setup
• Small foot-print, self contained system can be easily located on operation floor
• Engineered and manufactured using
processes independently certified to
internationally recognized quality standards ISO-9001 :
2000 and Telecommunications Industry Standard TL 9000

SEP 3T The SEP 3T servo electric press incor-
porates an automatic shuttle system to
the proven ASG press line for fast and
simple prod- uct presentation.
Focused at the application of PCB’s onto
compliant pin housings, this system is provided with
full control and monitoring of force, distance and
speed for quality assurance of every product applied.

Servo Drive Precision Each system is sup- plied with
a servo electric drive with force feed- back control.
Force capacity is available up to 3 tons [27 kN] to
handle a range of compliant pin housings and
connectors on the market today.
Compared to pneumatic or hydraulic systems,
the SEP is quiet, efficient, and does not suffer from
oil leaks that can damage PCBs.
With PC control, the servo driven SEP provides an
easily programmed press system with automatic set
up from press cycle to press cycle.
The system reaches levels of precision and
accuracy not available in a pneumatic or hydraulic press.

Monitor and Control For Quality
Force, dis- tance and speed are the core parameters of
any press cycle. With feed back and PC control,
SEP systems can monitor and control each character- istic of
every press stroke run on the press in real-time.
If any aspect of that press cycle is out- side of
specified limits, the system can stop the press,
mid-stroke, to prevent damage to the product and
reduce or eliminate scrap.
This gives SEP systems a distinct advantage over pneumatic or
hydraulic systems which can not offer the same level of control.

Optional pin penetration sensing (PPS) tools also allow the SEP to assure that every pin has properly penetrated the PCB a predetermined minimum distance. Any missing, bent or improp- erly seated pins will be detected and illustrated to the operator.

Faster Processing
The SEP is supplied with an automatic product shuttle that
locates the product stack up under the ram and
upper inser- tion tool.
The operator loads the PCB and hous- ing\connector into
a lower support fixture that is mounted on
the shuttle and hits the start switch.
The system assures part presence and then
shuttles the product under the ram mounted upper tool to
complete the press cycle.
This allows the system to automatically press the
product while the operators hands are free to
perform other tasks such as preparing the next product to
be applied. The end result is increased quality by
assuring proper product location and
decreased processing time.

Eliminate Operator Error
Quality is provided not only through the monitoring and
control of the press cycle, but also through the avoidance of
operator error.
By pre-programming the parameters of the product applied,
the SEP will automatically adjust set-up parameters from
one press cycle to the next.
There is no need for (and therefore no chance of
operator error asso- ciated with) adjusting stroke stops or
force adjustments from one cycle to the next.
Even simple errors of using the wrong product can
be eliminated to assure proper application and
avoid costly scrap.

General Specifications
Shuttle servo electric press for the application of
compliant pin products.
Typical applications include the application of
PCBs to compliant pin housings and connectors.
System is capable of monitoring and controlling the force,
distance and speed of a press cycle and
maintaining quality records of every press cycle in
real-time. Optional pin penetration sensing tooling can
assure the proper location and pene- tration of
every pin applied through the PCB.

Drive Z – Electric servo drive, ball-screw
Housing Size - 6” x 3” [150mm x 75 mm]
Force Capacity – Up to 3 tons [27 kN]
Speed – Application dependent. Typical time for shuttle in, press and shuttle out is 6-10 seconds.

Insertion Tool Type – Fixed (to ram) Support Tool – Shuttle mounted fixture
Standard (non-sensing) and PPS (pin penetration sensing) tools are available.

Control and Interface
Parameters – Force, distance, speed, pin penetration (optional)
Controller - PC Operating System - Windows XP Professional
Interface – Mouse and keyboard (touch screen monitor is optional)

Power - 120 VAC, 1 ph, 20 A, 50/60 Hz Air – Shop air of 5 CFM at 80 psi

Automatic Product Shuttle
A key feature of the SEP press system is an
automatic shuttle that positions the PCB and
housing\connector stack up under- neath the
upper insertion tool.
This allows the operator to per- form other tasks,
such as preparing the next assembly or
even bar code the next product,
while the press cycle is com- pleted automatically.
This helps reduce scrap associated with
improperly positioned products as well as
increases overall process throughput.

Optional Pin Penetration Sensing Tooling (PPS)
Option pin penetration sensing (PPS) tooling provides and
additional quality check for products applied on an
SEP. PPS tools are specifically designed for
the product applied to verify that every pin
properly pene- trates the PCB by a predeter- mined distance.
Coupled with force monitoring, PPS tools give assurance of
the proper loca- tion, penetration and application of
every compliant pin on every product applied.
The PPS check is performed in real-time without
the need for an additional or destructive quality test.

Run Time Press Monitoring
The run time screen provides complete operator interface and feedback.
Each press cycle is monitored for Force vs Distance and
data is clearly displayed.
Press stroke status is shown to acknowledge prop-
er application or error information.
A picture of the end product can also be used to
guide the operator through the press- ing
sequence to reduce operator error.

Dimensions: 38" x 30" x 64"
Weight – 600 lbs [182 kg]

Other machines similar to Tyco SEP 3T, Shuttle Electric Press

Location : AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
Year(s) : 2000
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
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Location : AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
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Location : AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)