
Topcon 3D OCT 1 Maestro 2

Ref : 2687107-13-W
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : Topcon
Model : 3D OCT 1 Maestro 2
Year(s) : -
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
ASIA (South East)

Technical Details
Angle of photography: 45° ± 5% or less
Scanning speed: 50,000 A-Scans per second
Working distance: 34.8 ± 0.1mm (for fundus photography) –
62.6 ± 0.1mm (for anterior segment photography)
Pupil diameter: Normal pupil diameter: ø4.0mm or more;
Small pupil diameter: ø3.3mm or more

Topcon 3D OCT 1 Maestro 2 has an
integrated full-color fundus camera.
With one touch, you can simultaneously acquire a
posterior OCT image and a true color fundus image.
This allows for PinPoint Registration and
structural confirmation of the pathology.
A small pupil function is also available,
as well as fundus only capture.

Combination OCT and true color fundus
Fully automated OCTA capture
Compact and space saving design
The NEW Hood Report for Glaucoma
Reference database for retina, RNFL, GCL+ and GCL++ thickness
Automatic layer segmentation
Widefield OCT
Anterior segment OCT
Panoramic fundus imaging

A user-friendly OCT. The Maestro2 uses robotic technology and
improves practice efficiency whilst
providing optimal patientcare.

Fully Automated Capture
With a single touch, the Maestro2 automatically performs
alignment, focus, optimization and capture.
After image capture, the report can be
immediately displayed by clicking on the icon.

Manual/Semi-Automatic Capture
In addition to automated capture, the Maestro2 offers
manual/semi-auto options for difficult-to-image patients.

Widefield OCT Scan
The Maestro2 can capture a 12mmx9mm widefield OCT scan,
encompassing both the macula and optic disc.
Ideal for an annual eye exam, the scan reduces
patient testing time. It provides thickness and
reference data for the retina, RNFL and ganglion cell
layers together with a Glaucoma report which includes
disc topography.

A high-resolution B-scan and smooth 3D graphics facilitate the
observation of pathology and each layer of the retina.
High-quality color fundus photography gives fundamental and
additional information. The OCT and color fundus are an
inseparable combination for daily diagnosis.

Hood Report for Glaucoma with Probability Maps with
3D Wide 12x9mm Scan
Retinal Thickness/RNFL/GCL and probability maps,
all in one report. The New Hood Glaucoma Report is
now available. This innovative report streamlines the
decision-making process through the correlation of
structure (GCL/RNFL) with function
(overlay of visual field test locations).*
*Donald C. Hood PhD, Translational Vision Science &
Technology No.6 Vol.3 2014: Evaluation of a One-Page Report to
Aid in Detecting Glaucomatous Damage.

Other machines similar to Topcon 3D OCT 1 Maestro 2

Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Year(s) : 2017
Location : AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
Location : ASIA (South East)
Year(s) : 2013
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)