
Sysmex XT- 2000i, Automated Hematology Analyzer

Ref : 2460381-18-CP
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : Sysmex
Model : XT- 2000i, Automated Hematology Analyzer
Year(s) : -
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
EUROPE (Western and Northern)

Medium volume laboratories an affordable,
reliable automated system to meet their needs for efficient hematology testing.
The analyzer has a second fluorescent platelet method, PLT-O,
on-board to help resolve platelet flags and minimize manual counts.
Reticulocytes are fully automatic and require no pretreatments
or testing delays. Body fluid samples, including CSF,
serous fluid and synovial fluid, are analyzed for RBC and WBC counts.
The XT-2000i streamlines your workflow by providing testing
for up to 80 samples per hour, enabling rapid turnaround time of results.
The XT-2000i offers the options of a 6-part WBC differential,
including enumerated immature granulocytes (IG% and #)
and RET-He reticulocyte hemoglobin concentrations.

Other machines similar to Sysmex XT- 2000i, Automated Hematology Analyzer

Location : ASIA (North East)
Year(s) : 2015
Location : AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
Location : AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
Location : ASIA (North East)
Year(s) : 2017