
Sunrise IW-66K 66 Tons

Ref : 2704319-3-CP
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : Sunrise
Model : IW-66K
Pressure : 66 Tons
Year(s) : 2014
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)

Sunrise IW-66K
Year: 2014

Punching Pressure: 66 Tons
Punch Capacity: 7/8″ in 3/4″ or 1-1/2″ in 7/16″ material
Throat: 7″
Angle Shear: 4 x 4″ x 3/8″
Plate Shear: 14″ x 5/8″ with Standard Hydraulic Hold-Down for all Shearing Functions!
Notcher: 2″ x 3-1/2″ x 5/16″
HP: 7.5
Power Requirements: 3 Phase | 220/480

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