Signode HM-H Strapping Machine
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
The machine is built as standard with heavy duty,
full steel strap chute and chute flaps
for high-speed strap feeding
and strap guide bands for accurate horizontal strap positioning onto the load.
The standard strapping MH head is designed
for heavy-duty 9 -12mm Tenax® PET polyester
and Dylastic® PP strapping.
High strap tension version for 16mm strapping.
It features the easy-load, powered dispensers
with automatic strap feed-up into the sealing unit..
The whole unit has a simple easy,
to use free-standing machine control panel.
The MH-H can be used in a wide range of
applications in the Construction, Furniture,
Bottle, Logistics and Appliance segments to name but a few.