Shimadzu Prominence HPLC System
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
DGU-20A3 Solvent Degasser
LC-20AT Pump x 2
SIL-20AC HT Autosampler
CTO-20AC Column Oven
SPD-20A UV/Vis Detector
DGU-20A3 Solvent Degasser
Uses fluoroethylene membrane
Internal capacity 0.4 mL
Three solvent capacity
LC-20AT Pump
Dual pumps offer a high pressure mixing, binary system
SIL-20AC HT Autosampler
Injection Volume: 0.1 to 100 μL
Sample Temperature Control: 4°C to 40°C
Capacity: 175 (1mL vials), 70 (1.5mL vials), 50 (4mL vials)
CTO-20AC Column Oven
Temperature Control: 10°C below room temperature to 85°C (operating range
SPD-20A UV/Vis Detector
The SPD-20A detector offers exceptional sensitivity (noise level 0.5 x 10-5 AU) and wide linearity (2.5AU)
Wavelength range: 190 to 700nm
Clarity data handling software (acquisition and post-run processing only)
Clarity control software – full system control via PC & CBM-20A (Lite) card