Shimadzu Digital Mobile X-Ray With Flat Pannel
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
A reference image is displayed on the MobileDart LCD screen only three seconds
after exposure.
This means that images can be validated immediately after exposure
without having to wait for a cassette to be played or images to be developed.
It also means that the images can be automatically resumed if necessary.
This is particularly useful in emergency rooms,
as it quickly obtains the information required for the next procedure,
greatly reducing the time required.
The reading of IP cassettes and bar codes, essential for performing an X-ray
with a CR, is not required. This makes the operation simpler
and ensures reliable image processing without the risk of mixing cassettes.
In addition, the number of images that can be taken in one round is not limited
by the number of IP cassettes.
In addition, there is no need to install a large number of IPs or an IP reader device,
which makes allows a efficient use of the space.
Direct scanning of images with the possibility of a DICOM connection.