
Rollomatic 6000XL

Ref : 2482409-3-MT
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : Rollomatic
Model : 6000XL
Year(s) : -
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Last check : 12 Jul. 2024


Controller : Fanuc 160-iMB
X axis
280 mm
Y axis
245 mm
Z axis
355 mm
grinding diameter
2 - 32 mm
Max. grinding wheel diamter
200 mm
A axis (grinding head rotaion)
240 °
0.0001 °
Work piece spindle speed
60 rpm
B axis swivelling range
135 °
B axis resolution max.
0.0001 °
C axis (spindle,resolution)
0.0001 °
Grinding spindle speeds:
0 rpm
up to
8000 rpm
Rapid traverse X
20 m/min
Rapid traverse Y
15 m/min
Rapid traverse Z
20 m/min
Grinding spindle motor
20 kW
Various accessories:
Control System:
- Machine control FANUC 160-iMB 9-axis
Interface FANUC/PC including Windows 2000
Rollomatic Software:
Grinding: Endmills, ballnose and radius endmills
Taper tools, ballnose and radius taper endmills
Drills/step drills, step tools
Burs (industrial, aluminum-cut, surgical, dental)
Medical/surgical components
Simulation: VirtualGrind PC programming system/simulation
FluteCalc 2-D simulation of flute shapes
3DCalc 3-D simulation of any tools
BurCalc 2-D and 3-D simulation of burs
TaperCalc 2-D and 3D simulation of tapered tools
ISO programming using Rollomatic co-ordinate system, incl. 3-D simulation
Probing routines (flutes and coolant holes)
Teach-in (wheel shapes and machine calibrations)
Graphic wheel display with zero offsets
Various control diagnostics

Other machines similar to Rollomatic 6000XL

Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)