Quadro 194 S Comil
Ref : 2321968-5-GO
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : Quadro
Model : 194 S
Product Size : -
Short Description : Comil
Year(s) : -
Quantity : 1
Location :
Seller or machines location:
AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
mill is belt driven by sterling 5 horsepower manually operated variable speed drive, 530 to 2600 rpm, motor is ul
rated for use in hazardous locations under class 1/group d and class 2/groups f & g, 36" discharge height and 62" loading height as shown, explosion proof controls with stop start
wired for 440 volt/3 phase service, motor is dual voltage, mill is mounted on casters, oad 7' long x 30" wide x 61" tall. Machine includes apx. 18 various sized spare screens
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Quadro 194S COMIL
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AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
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Location :
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Year(s) :