
Philips Sectra MicroDose L30

Ref : 2522763-14-W
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : Philips
Model : Sectra MicroDose L30
Year(s) : 2018
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Last check : 16 Sep. 2024

Philips commitment to transforming care together with clinicians is reected
in the MicroDose SI system.
Drive clinical performance Photon counting and spectral technology
are strong platforms for further advancements in mammography.
Philips works closely with clinical partners to advance the art and science
of mammography, and to explore the potential of spectral imaging.
Enhance Patient Experience Women appreciate the short examination time,
the low radiation dose and the curved and warm breast support.
Ensure economic value
MicroDose SI is designed to enable the high throughput required for screening,
while delivering excellent patient care.

Philips MicroDose mammography with single-shot spectral imaging delivers proven
dose e ciency, outstanding image quality, and non-invasive spectral applications
in one fast and comfortable mammogram. Designed to delight physicians, patients,
and technologists, it helps deliver high- quality, e cient, patient-focused care.

The foundation of MicroDose is Philips proven photon counting technology.
In use since 2003 across hundreds of sites worldwide, photon counting eases
the traditional trade- o between radiation dose and image quality,
enabling users to capture outstanding images at a low radiation dose.
Spectral information within the MicroDose mammogram MicroDose SI
adds a new advancement to this remarkable technology:
non-invasive spectral imaging capability that holds promise
of providing new insights into breast composition.
Philips spectral imaging is unique, because photon counting makes
it possible to acquire the spectral data in the same exposure as a regular,
low-dose mammogram, and without the use of contrast media.
This single-shot, non-invasive approach does not require adjustments
to your current work ow, and no additional radiation dose is needed
to acquire the spectral data.
The rst MicroDose SI spectral application, the Breast Density Measurement tool,
can immediately make a di erence for radiologists looking for an objective,
quantitative method to assess breast density and re ne risk assessment.
High con dence, high potential
Proven: Experience outstanding image quality at a low X-ray dose
Objective: Re ne your breast density assessment with spectral, volumetric breast density measurement
Non-invasive: Collect spectral data in a fast and comfortable mammogram
Distinctive: Gain patients and referrals by o ering unique, patient- focused technology

MicroDose is a scanning system that uses direct digital, photon counting technology
to provide low radiation dose without compromising image quality.
At the heart of the MicroDose SI is photon counting, an amazing approach
to breast imaging that recognizes the importance of minimizing radiation exposure
in screening applications. MicroDose SI allows for the same low dose as
on the previous MicroDose model and for an increase of up to 11%
in technical image quality.* MicroDose SI provides industry-leading 50 μm
in resolution and has shown great clinical performance, even in dense breasts.
Also, MicroDose SI scanning technology o ers 100% pixel warranty
by eliminating dead pixels and associated image data loss. High dose e ciency,
high image quality MicroDose Mammography delivers high image quality
at a low dose through:
High X-ray photon absorption
Immediate photon counting
Elimination of 95% of scattered radiation
Virtually no electronic noise
100% pixel warranty
No ghost images
The smallest pixel size at 50 μm

Diagnostic Scan helps discern ne details An exclusive optional feature
of the Philips MicroDose, Diagnostic Scan helps discern ne details
in spot compression images.
Diagnostic Scan uses higher dose on a spot compression area.
Then, because of the system’s high resolution, electronic magni cation can
be used on the review station to make it easier to see ne details
at a signi cantly lower dose than geometric magni cation.
In addition, Diagnostic Scan does not require a magni cation table
on the patient support. Deliver speed and comfort In mammography screening,
what is good for patients is good for business.
Now you can o er your patients the speed and convenience
of a low-dose mammogram that takes less than ve minutes,
increasing their comfort, as well as your productivity.

A fast mammography exam bene ts everyone involved.
MicroDose o ers a simpli ed and efficient work ow that contributes
to high patient throughput, enabling as many as 15 four-minute examinations per hour.
The ergonomic design, automated positioning,
and operator- friendly features make it easy for users to focus on patients
and put them at ease, and also may help to decrease operator risk
of musculoskeletal injury, such as repetitive strain injury (RSI).
Easy positioning MicroDose SI is designed to provide women with a less stressful
mammography experience. The breast can be easily positioned anywhere in the eld
of view (FOV). At 24 cm x 26 cm, the optimally-sized FOV allows imaging of over 99%
of breasts in a single view, without compromising imaging of the smaller breasts.
5 Patients also bene t from a curved, warm support for comfort,
as well as compression paddles tted for di erent breast sizes. High e ciency,
high exam comfort
Single click, intuitive operations
Easy breast positioning
Warmed, curved breast support
No waiting time between exposures leads to short exam times

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