
Philips Achieva 1.5T Omega HP (32 CH)

Ref : 2704447-14-W
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : Philips
Model : Achieva 1.5T Omega HP (32 CH)
Year(s) : 2011
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)

Philips MRI Achieva 1.5T Omega HP (32 CH)
Magnet Type F2000
Compressor Type HC-8E
Coldhead Changed August 2024
RF Channels 32 Ch
RF System S30 (Air Cooled)
Host system Z4G4
Recon System Z4G4 (With CDAS)
Software Rel 5.7.1
Gradient Amp Copley 787

1. Sense NV16Ch
2. Sense Torso XL 16 Ch
3. Sense Head 8 Ch
4. Sense Shoulder 8Ch
5. Sense Wrist 8Ch
6. Sense Knee 8Ch
7. Sense Spine
8. Sense Flex M
9. Synergy C1
10. Synergy C3
11. Synergy Microscopic Set

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