
Others GPUX-700, GPU

Ref : 1882588-11-MT
Condition : New
Manufacturer : Others
Model : GPUX-700, GPU
Capacity : -
Year(s) : -
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
Last check : 16 Sep. 2019

Brand: AviationGSE
Mounted Ground Power Unit GPUX-700

The GPUX-700 provides ground electrical power characteristics tailored
to the requirements of Turbo-Jet, Turbo-Prop, and piston engine executive aircraft with 28.5 volt D.C. electrical systems.
The ‘’Soft-Start’’ control, standard is recommended by most turbine-powered aircraft
and helicopter manufacturers for protection of the engine starter shear section.

Inrush current may be preset to any limited value between 700 and 1300 amperes
as recommended by the aircraft manufacturers.
A 400 ampere ‘’low’’ current limiting system is provided for helicopter and small turbine starting.

Other machines similar to Others GPUX-700, GPU

Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Year(s) : 2018
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Location : AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
Location : AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)