
Multivac R 530 set-up for flexible & semi-rigid film Thermoforming Machine

Ref : 2164155-5-MT
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : Multivac
Model : R 530 set-up for flexible & semi-rigid film Thermoforming Machine
Product Size : -
Year(s) : -
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Last check : 05 Jul. 2024

Set-up for Flexible and Semi-Rigid Film
Basic Machine, consisting of:
Machine chassis
Frame length 6.875 mm
Basic machine 8.375 mm total frame length
Die center distance 3.340 - 4.140 mm
Knee-free loading area 2.025 mm
Control cabinet, 1.000 mm wide
Machine frame width: 560 mm
Nominal machine width: 560 mm
Usable web width (bottom evacuation): 521 mm
Top web width (bottom evacuation): 560 mm
Bottom web width (flexible): 560 +4/+2 mm
Total length of machine: approx. 9.500 mm
Machine discharge approx. 3.100 mm
Cross cutting area approx. 2.550 mm
Safety system "D" with magnetic switches
- MGS-Single Installation / with light barrier
Set of safety covers for first die set
Safety cover SF for tunnel at machine discharge,
with protection fingers
Cover of transport chains out of stainless steel
Lifting mechanism for forming station, execution A, 4-post,
center distance 550 mm, opening width 170 mm,
shortened lifting bottom/top 125 / 0 mm,
lifting rails position 185 mm
Lifting mechanism for sealing station, execution A, 4-post,
center distance 550 mm, opening width 170 mm,
shortened lifting bottom/top 125 / 0 mm,
lifting rails position 185 mm
AC-Drive advane system
Transport chain 5/8" K
1x Top web unwind FA03 76 mm/3" core-diameter, mechanical unwinding
for top-reels, film width 560 mm

1x Bottom web unwind FA03 76 mm/3" core-diameter, mechanical unwinding
for bottom-reels, film width 560 mm
Photoelectric print registration for flexible top web
Oil lubrication of the transport chain via blow-out nozzle
clocked by preselection counter, incl. program for lubrication cycle
Cleaning program for machine R 530
1x limit stop for top web
1x limit stop for bottom web
Pneumatic basic equipment
Maintenance unit R 3/4"
Safety valve
Pressure switch for monitoring of the line pressure
Fine filter for oil-free compressed air for forming
Valve assembly for forming station
Valve assembly for sealing station
Sealing valve with pressure regulator
Noise muffing of the machine
Water circuit incl. flow switch and blow-off valve for
emptying of the die cooling channels
Forming sytem B (Pre-heating die):
Heating and forming by compressed air
Evacuation unit UV30 edge evacuation,
holes in bottom film - narrow/wide top film
with additional vacuum valve unit for vacuum central system
- with connection for coarse and fine vacuum
including pressure-dependent control
Gas-flushing system VBS91 - including
buffer tank 7.5 l and gas valve
Pressure transducer for vacuum for display and control of evacuation
respectively gas-flushing
Multivac gas mixer KM100-3MEM for 3 components-inert gas,
- media N2, CO2, O2 / setting via control knob
1x Console for R 530 for gas mixer
Electric basic equipment
Voltage 400 V, frequency 50 Hz, 3 phase(s), with neutral wire
Power supply with main switch
MC92-Terminal with fluoreszenz display, rotating
MC92-Temperature control for
max. 6x Temperature control loops
Hardware per installed temperature control loop
temperature control loops for
3x components per installed temperature control circuit
2x heating
1x sealing

Vacuum Pump
Without Vacuum pump
Machine prepared for vacuum central system

Cutting Systems
1x cross cutting unit QRP/530, film width 560 mm,
cutting width 521 mm, opening width 170 mm

1x Punch lower part FS 87/530, pneumatic operated knee-lever punch,
film width 560 mm, max. draw depth up to 100 mm,
mechanically adjustable

1x Punch upper part-vario punch, film width 560 mm,
with drills for waste

1x pneumatic shifting unit for cross cutting unit/punch

1x squeezing-knives - perforation unit
(mounted in front of knife shaft)

1x direct drive motor for rotating knives longitudinal cutting,
- for knives casket-

Trim Removal
1x Film edge trim rewind with dancer arm, type RSW.E3

Transport Systems
1x Discharge conveyor for synchronous package discharge,
length approx. 800 mm, integrated conveyor

Cut off length: 360 mm
Nominal machine width: 560 mm
Edge trim: 39 mm
Seal quality: standard
Forming depth: up to 90 mm

Basic die (for Flexible and Semi-Rigid Film)
Die-Number: 32815
Number tracks: 1
Number rows: 1

Package specification:
Package dimension: 521 x 360 mm
Forming dimension: 506 x 342 mm
Depth of package: max. 90 mm

Edge evacuation and gas flushing
Pre-heating top and bottom
Heating by means of tubular heating elements

Die Components
Forming die upper part
Pre-heating from above and plug assisted forming
1-track heating

Forming die lower part
Pre-heating from below
1-track heating
lower part for forming plate
Punch for U-shaped evacuation holes, integrated in forming die lower part

Height adjustment for forming die lower part,
infinitely variable setting via motor,
including control,

Sealing die lower part,
sealing die designed for sealing grid
-without sealing grid for basic die-

Tooling in basic execution not suitable to produce packages

Pack Support
Support system in loading area (5 support rail(s) included)
Discharge system (5 discharge rail(s) included)

Vario 1 (Execution with plug assisted forming 4.2)
Number tracks: 2
Number rows: 2

Package specification: EPDM 031915

Package dimension: 260,5 x 180 mm
Forming dimension: 245,5 x 162 mm
Depth of package: max. 90 mm

Corner radius 4x R 20 mm

Vario 1 Die Components

4x Forming insert for semi-rigid film,
width: 245,5 mm x length: 162 mm,

1x Forming Plate, 2-tracks/2-rows,

1x Set filler plates, forming depth up to 90 mm

1x Sealing die upper part
Perimeter sealing 5 mm nom. sealing seam

1x Sealing grid, 2-tracks/2-rows,
with sealing gasket (70 shore, thickness = 3 mm,
fabric finish with 0,8 mm grid)
including 4 spare sealing gaskets

1x Set filler plates

Vario 1 parts

for punch semi-rigid
1x Knife holder for film punch FS 87
1x Knife set for rounded corners R 9 mm (2 tracks),
straight cutting blades standard included

for longitudinal cutting
1x Knife-shaft without knives
3x Circular knives with hub
1x Cutting register with 3 cutting edge(s),
for support of film during cutting

Vario 2 (Execution with plug assisted forming 4.2)
Number tracks: 2
Number rows: 1

Package specification: EPDM 031916

Package dimension: 260,5 x 360 mm
Forming dimension: 245,50 x 342 mm
Depth of package: max. 90 mm

Corner radius 4x R 20 mm

Vario 2 Die Components

2x Forming insert for semi-rigid film,
width: 245,50 mm x length: 342 mm,

1x Forming Plate, 2-tracks/1-row,

1x Set filler plates, forming depth up to 90 mm

1x Sealing die upper part
Perimeter sealing 5 mm nom. sealing seam

1x Sealing grid, 2-tracks/1-row,
with sealing gasket (70 shore, thickness = 3 mm,
fabric finish with 0,8 mm grid)
including 4 spare sealing gaskets

1x Set filler plates

Cut off length: 400 mm
Nominal machine width: 560 mm
Edge trim: 39 mm
Seal quality: standard
Forming depth: up to 90 mm

Basic die (for Semi-Rigid Film)
Number tracks: 1
Number rows: 1

Package specification:
Package dimension: 521 x 400 mm
Forming dimension: 506 x 382 mm
Depth of package: max. 90 mm

Edge evacuation and gas flushing
Pre-heating top and bottom
Heating by means of tubular heating elements

Die Components
Forming die upper part
pre-heating from above
1-track heating

Forming die lower part
Pre-heating from below
1-track heating
lower part designed for forming plate
Punch for U-shaped evacuation holes, integrated in forming die lower part

Sealing die lower part,
sealing die designed for sealing grid
-without sealing grid for basic die-

Tooling in basic execution not suitable to produce packages

Vario 1
Number tracks: 3
Number rows: 2

Package specification: EPDM 031917

Package dimension: 173,67 x 200 mm
Forming dimension: 158,67 x 182 mm
Depth of package: max. 80 mm

Corner radius 4x R 30 mm,
2x peel corner, in the back hand side in direction of travel

Vario 1 Die Components

6x Forming insert for semi-rigid film,
width: 158,67 mm x length: 182 mm,

1x Forming Plate, 3-tracks/2-rows,

1x Set filler plates, forming depth up to 80 mm

1x Sealing die upper part
Perimeter sealing 5 mm nom. sealing seam

1x Sealing grid, 3-tracks/2-rows,
with sealing gasket (70 shore, thickness = 3 mm,
fabric finish with 0,8 mm grid)
including 4 spare sealing gaskets

1x Set filler plates

Vario 1 parts

for punch semi-rigid
1x Knife holder for film punch FS 87
1x Knife set for rounded corners R 9 mm (3 tracks),
straight cutting blades standard included

for longitudinal cutting
1x Knife-shaft without knives
4x Circular knives with hub
1x Cutting register with 4 cutting edge(s),
for support of film during cutting

Vario 2
Number tracks: 4
Number rows: 2

Package specification: EPDM 031918

Package specification:
Package dimension: 130,25 x 200 mm
Forming dimension: 115,25 x 182 mm
Depth of package: max. 70 mm

Corner radius 2x R 10 mm,
2x R 30 mm peel corner, in the back hand side in direction of travel

Vario 2 Die Components

8x Forming insert for semi-rigid film,
width: 115,25 mm x length: 182 mm,

1x Forming Plate, 4-tracks/2-rows,

1x Set filler plates, forming depth up to 70 mm

1x Sealing die upper part
Perimeter sealing 5 mm nom. sealing seam

Sealing grid, 4-tracks/2-rows,
with sealing gasket (70 shore, thickness = 3 mm,
fabric finish with 0,8 mm grid)
including 4 spare sealing gaskets

1x Set filler plates

Vario 2 parts

for punch semi-rigid
1x Knife holder for film punch FS 87
1x Knife set for rounded corners R 9 mm (4 tracks),
straight cutting blades standard included

for longitudinal cutting
1x Knife-shaft without knives
5x Circular knives with hub
1x Cutting register with 5 cutting edge(s),
for support of film during cutting

Vario 3
Number tracks: 6
Number rows: 2

Package specification: EPDM 031919

Package dimension: 86,83 x 200 mm
Forming dimension: 71,83 x 182 mm
Depth of package: max. 50 mm

Corner radius 2x R 20 mm,
2x R 30 mm peel corner, in the back hand side in direction of travel

Vario 3 Die Components

12x Forming insert for semi-rigid film,
width: 71,83 mm x length: 182 mm,

1x Forming Plate, 6-tracks/2-rows,

1x Set filler plates, forming depth up to 50 mm

1x Sealing die upper part
Perimeter sealing 5 mm nom. sealing seam

1x Sealing grid, 6-tracks/2-rows,
with sealing gasket (70 shore, thickness = 3 mm,
fabric finish with 0,8 mm grid)
including 4 spare sealing gaskets

1x Set filler plates

Vario 3 parts

for punch semi-rigid
1x Knife holder for film punch FS 87
1x Knife set for rounded corners R 9 mm (6 tracks),
straight cutting blades standard included

for longitudinal cutting
1x Knife-shaft without knives
7x Circular knives with hub
1x Cutting register with 7 cutting edge(s),
for support of film during cutting

Other machines similar to Multivac R 530 set-up for flexible & semi-rigid film Thermoforming Machine

Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)