Mitsubishi Digiplater SDP Eco 1630
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
This professional, compact and complete CTP installation produces 2 up size offset ready plates for all small size offset printing machinery (all portrait scape- and land scape machines).
The polyester offset plates are color separated and produced without any further manual labor in this nice set of machinery.
Development, stabilizing, washing and drying of the plates is done in the low-chemical integrated plate processor.
Settings can be made for different kind, brands and sizes of plates for offset machinery etc.
Quality: 1016 up to 2400 DPI - red laser diode 635 nm
Min - max. plate size: 229 x 220 mms - 414 x 580 mms
Speed: first plate = 2 minutes, after that: 77 plates/hr.
Digital operation and LCD controls, including Mitsubishi SDP RIP software installed on PC, original cd's and with Xitron dongle. Integrated processor for low chemical processing (development, stabilizer, dryer).
Complete with Windows PC, keyboard and cabling etc.
All safeties on the machinery.