Mazak HCN-10800 4 Axis
AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
Year 2017
CNC Control yes
Type of CNC Control Mazak Mazatrol SmoothG CNC
# Axis 4
Pallet-W 39.37 inches
Pallet-L 39.37 inches
Pallet Capacity 6614 pounds
Pallet Indexing (B-Axis) Full Contouring B Axis
X 66.93 inches
Y 55.12 inches
Z 60.04 inches
X-Axis Rapid Feedrate 2,047 IPM
Y-Axis Rapid Feedrate 2,047 IPM
Z-Axis Rapid Feedrate 2,047 IPM
Cutting Rate 2,047 IPM
Spindle Speed 8,000
Spindle Taper HSK100
Main Motor 50 HP
Tool Changer Capacity 80
Machine Hours 582
Coolant Through Spindle yes
Power 50 horsepower
RPM 8000
# ATC 80
Taper HSK100
Equipped With
Mazak Mazatrol SmoothG CNC
Mayfran Chip Conveyor System
Renishaw Laser Tool Length Measurement
Scale Feedback on X, Y, Z