
Mandelli Spark 1300 X 3 Axis

Ref : 2480380-3-CP
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : Mandelli
Model : Spark 1300 X
Nb Of Axis : 3 Axis
Year(s) : -
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Last check : 15 May. 2023

Mandelli Spark 1300 X

CNC: Siemens 840 DSL
spindle connection: ISO 50
head: automatica mod. U63/(index 2°)
cooling through spindle: 60 BAR con filtraggio
spindle speed: 700 rpm
spindle power: 62 kw / 779,4 Nw
pallet size: 800 x 630 mm
index angle: 0,001 continuo
table loading capacity: 1500 kg
pallet system: n. 2 pallet rotativi
X axis: 1300 mm montante mobile
Y axis: 1050 mm (trasversale)
Z axis: 1100 mm (verticale)
X axis rapid: 50 m/min
Y axis rapid: 50 m/min
Z axis: 50 m/min
changing tools : a rack diam 425 x 600 mm (30 kg)
nr. of tools: 252 posti
chip conveyor: si
weight: 40 Ton.
Notes: volteggio max diam. 1300 x 110 mm
manufacturing year: 2008
2nd Notes: ingombri 4200 x 7600 x 3700 mm

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