Life tech Attune NxT flow cytometer
AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
Lasers Violet: 405 nM (50 mW)
Blue: 488 nM (50 mW)
Yellow: 561 nM (50 mW)
Red: 637 nM (100 mW)
Filters VL1: 440/50
VL2: 512/25
VL3: 603/48
VL4: 710/50RL1: 670/14
RL2: 720/30
RL3: 780/60YL1: 585/16
YL2: 620/15
YL3: 695/40
YL4: 780/60BL1: 530/30
BL2: 590/40
BL3: 695/40
Scatter Forward scatter: Photodiode detector with 488/10
Side scatter: PMT with 488/10
Control and Analysis Dell Desktop with Intel CORE i7 with Windows 7
Attune NxT Software version 2.2
Dell Flat Panel LCD monitor
Automated maintenance startup (less than 15 min), shutdown, rinse, wash, debubble, deep clean,
monthly decontamination
Gates standard and customizable gates
Graphics resolution publication-quality images (customizable)
Probe Design Intelligent probe design minimizes clogging and
carryover (less than 1%) – helps prevent damage to
the instrument
Sample Mixing Mixes sample by aspiration to maintain sample
homogeneity and cell viability
Laser Simmer mode: automatic shutoff prolongs laser usage
lifetime by 10xPre-aligned and welded fiber to laser interfacePre-aligned fiber to beam-shaping optics (BSO)
interface (alignment-free)
All lasers spatially separated
Focus lens per laser: power where you want it
Flat-top laser specified at the flow cell
Benefits of flat-top lasers
• ~50% reduction in scattered light
• No problems with lateral shift in alignment