Leblond Fanuc 0iTD Variable 7550 2 Axis
AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
Year 2017
CNC Control yes
Type of CNC Control Fanuc 0iTD
Face Plate Diameter 72 inches
Swing 75 inches
Center Distance 120 inches
Turret Capacity 12
Dimensions 343 x 112 x 116
Weight 75000 pounds
Swing Over Cross Slide 52 inches
Travel-Cross 42.5 inches
Tailstock Quill Diameter 12"
Max Work Piece Weight 100,000lbs at 13RPM / 77,600lbs at 175 RPM / 61,500lbs at 300 RPM
Bed Width 60 inches
Spindle Motor 80HP
Spindle Speed (RPM) 300
Feed Ranges infinite up to 200 IPM
Equipped With
Swivel pendant control on carriage
Description of retrofit / reconditioning work performed:
Complete new Fanuc control/servos/drives.
New Spindle Drive package.
All mechanical remanufacturing done:
new ballscrews, ground and scraped ways, tailstock rebuilt complete, spindle head rebuilt, new bearings, etc., turret completely rebuilt, new axis and spindle feedback (absolute encoders) all new electrics and wiring warranty complete.
This is a great candidate for a roll turning application