Leadermac 623C
AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
Used 9” 6 Head Moulder
Thickness Material ¼” to 6”
Width Material .6” to 9”
Min length of material 8″ (Butt fed)
Axial adjust. side heads 1.6 (40 mm)
Axial adjust. Top/bottom heads .8” (20mm)
Weight 11,650 lbs
Spindle Assemblies, Cutterheads and Positioning
All Head Spindles are Standard 6000 RPM and belt driven
1 13/16” Spindle Diameter
Spindles are manufactured from SCM-440 tool steel (from Mitsubishi-Japan) with special heat treating
to HR 55C Hardness fitted with 2 pairs of SKF ABEC 6 Duplex Super precision high speed
Bearings to provide the best in cutting stability with permanent accuracy.
Spindle Tolerance is guaranteed to +/-0.002mm / 0.00007” accuracy.
Grease lubed and sealed.
All Spindles have vertical and horizontal adjustment
Adjustment of all spindles from front – Easy to operate stations
Spindles 3, 4 & 5 have Dual Siko counters on the Radial Set (for fastest head setup)
All Spindle Axis(Vertical & Horizontal) throughout the Moulder that don’t have
Dual Siko Counters/Mechanical Digital Position Readouts for Radial & Axial (vertical & horizontal), fast and accurate setting (except 1st Bottom Axial)
Digital Readouts in Inch
Vertical Spindle – Axial (Vertical) Adjustment – 1.6”
Horizontal Spindle – Axial (Horizontal) Adjustment – .8”
Independent manual vertical adjustment to top head(s).
1st bottom head supplied with spiral carbide cutterhead
1 Set (of 5) 4 Knife –12/20° CA Cutterheads Included, serrated back (Other CA on Request)