Kusters, Osthoff, Sperotto rimar Finishing line
EUROPE (Central and Eastern)
Finishing line, working width 2000mm.
Can be sold complete or separately
Composed of:
1. Singeing Machine OSTHOFF type VP99, high entry 2x brushing cylinders with dust aspiration, J-box, 2 burners, water filter, 2 x brushing cylinders with dust suction.
2. KUSTERS Padsteam with dyeing padder type 222.11-200, Steam box, 4 washing boxes with intermediate padders, Squeezer padder.
3.MAHLO weft straightener, impregnation padder, preparation chemical tanks with mixers
4. WUMAG cylinder dryer with 20 x cylinders ĻŠ 800mm, teflonized
5.SPEROTTO RIMAR Sanforizing machine type FLEXA 200 with MAHLO PMC-12, control density pick fabric, mini stenter, shrinking unit PALMER ĻŠ 2000mm, weft straightener, cooling cylinder, J-box, exit on plaiter and A-frame.