Komori GL 840 P H-UV 103 x 72 cm
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Max.Size: 103 x 72 cm (40 x 28 inch)
Colours: 8
Impress.Count: 217 mio
Extras: Autoplate - Perfector - Digital Controls - Touch-screen Control - Autosize - Dryer - CIP
PQC S - Print Quality Control Console
PDC-SX - Spectrophotometer and Auto Register Control
KID - Komori Information Display
KHS-AI - Advanced Interface
KMS - Komori Management System
PQA-S Inline Quality Control 2 x 4K Cameras
AMR - Automatic Make Ready Presets
FA-APC - Fully Auto Asynchronous Plate Changing
Komorimatic Dampening
Baldwin Combiliner
Ink Temperature Control
Automatic Ink Roller Washers
Automatic Blanket Washers
Automatic Impression Cylinder Washers
Suction Feed Table
Baldwin H-UV Interdeck 4/5
Baldwin H-UV End of Press