KBA RA 106-4 L FAPC ALV2 106 x 74 cm
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Max.Size: 106 x 74 cm (41 x 29 inch)
Colors: 4
Impress.Count: 69 mio
18000 sheets/h
ErgoTronic console
ErgoTronic Color Control
Qualitronic Color Control
Drive Tronic feeder
SIS feeder (Sensoric Infeed System)
Varidamp dampening with Technotrans cooling device
Technotrans beta f
Technotrans Beta c
Ink temperature control
All automatic washers
Non-stop feeder & delivery
Harris & Bruno coating unit with chambered doctor blade system
2 Anilox rollers 11cc
IR Dryer Hot air
Eltosch Powder Spray
Powder extraction in delivery
AirTronic delivery
Antistatic Kersten feeder and delivery
Extended delivery ALV 2
air cooled