Kaiser KSTU 3150-30-5.1 RKR 315 ton
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
KAISER KSTU 3150-30-5.1 RKR
Construction year 2003
Pressure total 315 ton
Ram stroke 40 - 200 mm
Slide adjustment 150 mm
Shut height (stroke down, adjustment up) 600 mm
Free frontal opening L-R 3020 mm
Free lateral opening F-B 1010 mm
Table surface area 3000 x 1250 mm
Slide area 3000 x 1100 mm
Number of strokes 20 - 100 s.p.m.
Required power 68 kW
Height over floor approx. 5900 mm
Dimensions L x W x H 4300 x 2700 x 5900 mm
Weight of machine approx. 76 ton
Standard features
Pneumatic clutch
electronic - hydraulic overload protection
Crank drive
Control SIEMENS S7-300
Electric roller feed KWV 600 ZDH
Moving table for faster tool changes