Johnford SV-40P 3 Axis
AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
New 2008
Fanuc oi-MC CNC Control
24-Positon Automatic Tool Changer (Twin-Arm Cam-Type)
Harbor Precise Oil Cooler (Model HBO-250PTSB3)
Automatic Lube System
Coolant System
Table Working Surface, W X L 19.7" X 47.2"
Table Load Capacity 1320 LBS
X-Axis Table Longitudinal Travel 41.3"
Y-Axis Saddle In/Out Cross Travel 19.7"
Z-Axis Spindle-Head Vertical Travel 24"
Distance Spindle Face to Table, Maximum 28"
Distance Spindle Face to Table, Minimum 3.94"
Distance Spindle Center to Column 21.7"
Spindle Taper CAT 40
Spindle Speeds, Range 60 to 10000 RPM
Power Rapid Traverse, (X,Y-Axis') 1181 IPM
Power Rapid Traverse, (Z-Axis) 787 IPM
Torque Rating, (X,Y,Z-Axis) 96.6 IN/LBS
Spindle Motor Horsepower 15 HP
Spindle Motor (30-Minute) 20 HP
Overall Dimensions, L X W 115" X 87"
Overall Height 119"
Weight, Approximately 13200 LBS