EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Large door opening for easy loading and unloading
- oversized hinge and reversible door
• Galvanized steel drum
- oval holes prevent damage caused by screws
• Unique suspension system
- rear: ball bearing
- front: rubber bearing
• Large drawer with lint filter
- easy maintenance
- efficient operation and reduced drying time
- self-cleaning filter
• Axial air flow
- perforated drum on the front and back
- maximum air flow, low energy consumption and reduced drying time
- drum perforated over the entire length
- large production
- drive pulley system
• DX4 control
- simple microprocessor with great flexibility
- 3 freely adaptable programs
- programmable temperature by degree, drying and cooling times easy to program
• OPTimum command (end of drying controller)
- easy to operate, easy to program
- 30 programmable cycles
- 3 types of cycles:
. TimeDry: programmable time and temperature
. AutoDry: 11 programmable automatic drying levels and programmable temperature
. MoistureDry: drying at the programmed humidity level and at the programmed temperatures
• CARE (Combustion Auto Response Equipped) - A response to spontaneous combustion of laundry
- prevents fire by continuously measuring the temperature on the drum