Ima FLEXA AV, Cartoning Machine (Bottles)
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
- Formate area folding box W 15-90 mm, H 12-90 mm, L 55-170 mm
- Electr. connection 400V/50Hz/26A
- Output 80-150 boxes/min, the maximum speed depends on the format and product
- Touchscreen BFB IMA with terminal PC Polaris V40, controller Parker 1x Twin, 3x SPD
- Intermittent motion
- Jar/bottle feeding device with feeding conveyor and change parts for jar diam. 23 mm, height 30 mm
- Embossing device with 5 lines for front flap
- Discharge of defective cartons
- Leaflet folder/inserter GUK FA21/4 Cartonac 91 for overlong leaflets L max. 650 mm, W max. 215 mm
- Code reader Laetus Argus 6012 for 2x leaflet, 1x box
- Suitable for bothside tuck-in closure with alternate or equal flaps
- Vacuum ejector