
Ilapak Bagging Line

Ref : 2696289-5-MT
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : Ilapak
Model : -
Volume : -
Short Description : Bagging Line
Year(s) : 2015
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
EUROPE (Western and Northern)

Bagging Line (vertical form fill seal)
Line includes the Vibratory Infeed into the Weigher,
The Multi-Head Weigher, The Gantry,
The Bagging Machine, and the Take Off Conveyor
(Not including the Vacuum Feeder,
Metal Detector, Printer, Gas Mixer & Analyser.)

10-Head Multi-Head Weigher
Weight range from 50g to 1Kgs
Bagging Machine Model Number Vegatronic VT-2000-R.I.S
With Zip Reseal Closure
Previously running on bags of Grated Cheese, but could also run on Chocolate. Confectionery, Snacks, etc.
Operating Manuals included
The machine is equipped with 4 forming tubes:
F410mm 3 side sealing + zip
F450mm stand up + zip
F470mm 3 stand up + zip
F520 3 side sealing + zip
Drawings for these are all available.
Could also do pillow bag, but you have to do the new format and turn the horizontal jaws
This Packaging Line is still set up and running in production.
400Volts, 50Hz
Will be available in Mid-March 2025.

Other machines similar to Ilapak Bagging Line

Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Year(s) : 1995
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Year(s) : 2019
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Year(s) : 2018
Location : EUROPE (Central and Eastern)
Year(s) : 1997, 2003