Heidelberg SM102-10-P6 720 x 1020 mm 10
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Total impression counter 195 mio
Sheet-fed offset press - Printing units: 10
Perfecting 5-5/10-0
High pile delivery
Size 28 x 40 inch (720 x 1030 mm)
Technical features:
Speed 12.000 sheet/h
Max paper size 720 x 1020 mm
Min paper size 340 x 480 mm stright
Min paper size 400 x 480 mm perfecting
Thickness 0,03-0,4 mm
Print area size 710 x 1020 mm
Plate size 790 x 1030 mm Thickness 0,30 mm
Blancket size 1052 x 840 mm Thickness 1,90 mm
L. 17,85 mt. circa
P. 3,3 mt.
H. 2,2 mt.
Weight: Kg.60.850
Power requirement: Kw 150 circa
Accessories included:
- PresetPlus feeder and delivery
- Steel plate on feeder and delivery with ramp (for plastic or wooden pallets)
- Stream feeder with suction belt
- Electronic double sheet detection
- Electromechanic double sheet detection
- Electronic side lay control, fotoelectronic and akustic
- Alcolor continuous dampening system with Technotrans's alcohol metering; cooling and re-circulation unit system
- Ink temperature control
- Preset (autom. paper size and thickness setting)
- CP2000 with touch screen control and diagnosis; self diagnostic; remote inking; damp; axial, circumf and diagonal register control with day light illuminator
- IntelliTrax 2 Pro quality control
- Programmable automatic blanket cylinders wash up via CP2000
- Programmable automatic rollers wash up via CP2000
- Autoplate (semi automatic plate loader) with Bacher Control 2000 register system
- Plate cocking (diagonal register control)
- Chromed cylinders
- Central lubrication with automatic central service interval control via CP2000
- Centralized air supply system cabinet (vacuum and compressors)
- Powder sprayer
- High pile delivery
- Automatic sheet de-curler
- Oil drip pan, Tools, Documentations
- Complete with all standard parts and accessories