Hdb Card 2.500 mm
Ref : 2462248-1-AS
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : Hdb
Model : -
Short Description : Card 2.500 mm
Year(s) : 1976
Quantity : 1
Location :
Seller or machines location:
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Breast cylinder φ1.270 mm
five couples workers-strippers
three swifts φ1.500 mm
six couples workers-strippers
doffer φ1.270 mm, peralta
triple rubbing-system
division 14 mm, 160 slivers, with servolap.
Electric panel with Inverter.
Other machines similar to Hdb Card 2.500 mm
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Location :
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Year(s) :
4 Hdb CBY Woolen ring spinning frames
Location :
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Year(s) :
1995, 1996
Alexandre & Antoine, Hdb, Schlafhorst Woollen spinning unit
Location :
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
2 Hdb Galaxy Woollen Card and Woollen Spinning Frames
Location :
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Year(s) :
2002, 2005