AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
NEW 1994
Extreme Ratio 10:1 10:1
Root Angle Range (B Axis) -5º to 90º -5º to 90º
Examples of Max. Gear Pitch diameter with 35ºgear spiral
angle and max cutter diameter (+) at the following ratios:
1x1 21.63” (549.40mm) 15.86” (402.84mm)
2x1 27.36” (694.94mm) 20.07” (509.78mm)
5x1 30.00” (762.00mm) 22.00” (558.80mm)
Maximum Horizontal Travel -12” to 12” (-305mm to +305mm)
Maximum Vertical Travel (Y) -12” to 12” (-305mm to +305mm)
Sliding Base Travel (Z) -1” to 25” (-51mm to +711mm)
Machine Center to Work Spindle Face 9.00” (229mm (Fixed)
Full Depth (Maximum) 1.25” (31.75mm).93”(23.50mm)
Face Width (Maximum) 4.60” (116.84mm) 3.00”(76.20mm)
Tooth Number 5 to 200 inclusive
Cutter Diameters 9”, 10.5” (200mm)(176,210mm)
Cutter Diameters 12”, 14” (250,320mm)(250,300mm)
Cutter Diameters 16”, 18” (400,500mm)(350mm)
( speeds )
Work Spindle, A-Axis 0 to 67 RPM 0 to 333 RPM
Swinging Base, B-Axis 0 to 30 deg/sec N/A
Cutter, C-Axis 0 to 240 RPM 30 to 240 RPM
X Horizontal, X-Axis 0 to 80mm/sec 0 to 80mm/sec
Y Vertical, Y-Axis 0 to 80mm/sec 0 to 80mm/sec
Z Sliding Base, Z-Axis 0 to 80mm/sec 0 to 80mm/sec
( work-spindle basic specifications / unrelated to cutting process )
Diameter of Taper Hole at Large End 8” (#80 Taper)(203.2mm)
includes optional adapter sleeve to 6” (#60 Taper)
Taper Per Foot ¾”(19.05mm)
Depth of Taper 6”(152.40mm)
Diameter through spindle of hole 7.125”`(180.98mm)
( HP or Torque )
( electrical equipment / motors ) English HP Metric (NM) (kW)
A-Axis Work Spindle AC Servo 50.0 (Ft/Lbs)(66.0 NM)
B-Axis Swinging Base AC Servo 4.4 (Ft/Lbs)(5.9 NM)
C-Axis Cutter Spindle AC-Drive 25 HP(37.28 kW)
X-Axis Horizontal AC Servo 8.7 (Ft/Lbs)(11.8 NM)
Y-Axis Vertical AC Servo 8.7 (Ft/Lbs)(11.8 NM)
Z-Axis Sliding Base AC Servo 8.7 (Ft/Lbs)(11.8 NM)
Coolant AC Induction 5 HP(3.72 kW)
Hydraulc AC Induction 5 HP(3.72 kW)
Chiller AC Induction 3 HP(2.24 kW)
Chip Conveyor ½ HP(.373 kW)
( machine dimensions / weight )
Floor Space (inclusive of hydraulic unit, electrical
enclosure, chip removal system and operator’s pendant)
Length x Width 219” x 227”(557cm x 576cm)
Height 127”(322cm)
Weight (Approximately) 42,500 Lbs.(19,318 kGs)