GE SIGNA Victor 1.5T
AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
Green magnet technology: reduces helium usage by
70% and lowers power consumption by more than 10%
AIR Coils and AIR™ Recon DL
One User Interface: anticipatory workflows
AI-based solutions such as AIR x
Field Strength: 1.5T
Bore Diameter: 70 cm wide bore
Gradient Strength: 35 mT/m
Gradient Slew Rate: 140 T/m/s
RF Channels: Up to 64 independent channels
Coil Technology: AIR™ Coils for 360-degree coverage and
optimal comfort
FOV (Field of View): Up to 50 cm
Patient Table: Motorized with height adjustment,
max weight capacity of 250 kg (550 lbs)
Power Consumption: More than 10% reduction compared to
conventional systems
Helium Usage: 70% less helium consumption with
green magnet technology
Footprint: Small, 24 square meters
Imaging Modes: T1-Weighted, T2-Weighted, FLAIR,
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI), MRA, and more
Advanced Applications: Neuroimaging, musculoskeletal imaging, cardiovascular imaging, body imaging,
and oncology imaging
Noise Reduction: SilentScan for ultra-quiet scans