
Future Tech Twin Screw PET Extrusion Line

Ref : 2402462-6-AW
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : -
Model : Future Tech Twin Screw PET Extrusion Line
Capacity : -
Year(s) : 2019
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
Last check : 08 Feb. 2023

Make: Future Tech China made. Machine is still on palettes in Europe. Seller did not have enough electric power available in his area and will not install it. Photos show another machine in Asia and are just for reference.

Materials: PET (Virgin and Recycled Flake)
Material Width Range: 0.18mm – 1,2mm
Max Sheet Width: 1100mm
Output: 900kg/hour

Main Extruder: 95mm Future Tech UV95 twin screw extruder water cooled
Co-Extruder: 65mm Future tech single screw with 30kW ac motor & invertor

Running from 0.18mm to 1.2mm thick PET up to 850kg/hr.
Mix of virgin, post consumer bottle flake and skeletal flake.
2 Component volumetric blending system for primary and secondary extruders.
95mm Future Tech UW95/44 twin screw extruder water cooled.
250kW ac motor with inverter drive.
Triple vented with liquid ring vacuum pump system.
Screen changer with 100mm diameter. Dual piston, manual control.
JCTimes model 275 gear pump with ac motor and PLC control.
65mm Future Tech single screw co extruder with 30kW ac motor and invertor.

Vented with liquid ring vacuum pump system. Manual screen changer.JCTimes model melt pump with ac motor and invertor speed control.
A-B-A, A-B, B (10%-80%-10%) feed block with selector plug.
1230mm wide flex lip single manifold sheet die.
Max net width of the sheet is 1100mm.
Manual T- die. Flex bottom lip. Fixed uper lip. Close approach.
1400mm wide 3 roll polishing stack with horizontal configuration ( 350mm x 650mm x 650mm diameter). Individual servo speed drives. 3 zone pump group.
1100mm wide silicon coater device and dryer.
4 rolls 200mm diameter.
1100mm wide cantelever winding system with accumulator. 4 position. 3" and 6"cores.
Max roll weight 1200kgs. Max roll diameter 1000mm.

Other machines similar to Future Tech Twin Screw PET Extrusion Line

Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Year(s) : 2001
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Year(s) : 2021
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)