
Fong's, Longclose Dyed Knitted Fabric Section

Ref : 2368801-1-AW
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : Fong's, Longclose
Short Description : Dyed Knitted Fabric Section
Year(s) : 1989, 2007
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
ASIA (South East)
Last check : 05 Jan. 2022

Dyed Knitted Fabric Section
1 unit 6 Tube High Temperature Dyeing M/C
Model: Longclose (1000 kg)
Yr of Mfg.1997; Maker: Longclose Group-U.K

1 unit 3 tube High Temperature Dyeing M/C
Model: Longclose (450 kg)
Yr of Mfg.1999/2000; Maker: Longclose Group-U.K
Remarks: 2nd hand from Xie Lie

1 unit Fong sflow High Temp.Dyeing Machine
Model: MK5A-140-ST (80 kg)
Yr of Mfg.1989; Maker: Fong's-Hong Kong

1 unit Fong sflow High Temp.Dyeing Machine
Model: MK5A-140-1LT (150kg)
Yr of Mfg.1989; Maker: Fong's-Hong Kong

2 units Fong sflow High Temp.Dyeing Machine
Model: MK5A-140-2LT (380 kg)
Yr of Mfg.1989; Maker: Fong's-Hong Kong

1 unit Fong sflow High Temp.Dyeing Machine
Model: MK5A-140-4LT (800kg)
Yr of Mfg.1989; Maker: Fong's-Hong Kong

2 units Fong Atmospheric Overflow Dyeing M/C
Model: GN8-100-1Tube (100kg)
Yr of Mfg.1989; Maker: Fong's-Hong Kong

1 unit Fong Atmospheric Overflow dyeing M/C
Model: GN8-100-2Tube (150kg)
Yr of Mfg.1989; Maker: Fong's-Hong Kong

1 unit Dong A Soft flow Winch
Model: DASF-600 (600kg)
Yr of Mfg.1993; Maker: Dong A-Korea

1 unit Fong Centrifugal hydra extractor
Model: HE-1200
Yr of Mfg.1989; Maker: Fong's-China

1 unit Fong Centrifugal hydra extractor
Model: HSF-1800
Yr of Mfg.2004; Maker: Welly Hong Kong

1 unit Fong's programmable dosing system
Model: DP-100
Yr of Mfg.1991; Maker: Fong's-Hong Kong

1 unit Fabric reversing machine
Model: -
Yr of Mfg.1991; Maker: Thailand

Finishing Section
1 unit Heliot Calender machine
Model: H86
Yr of Mfg.1989; Maker: Heliot-France

1 unit Fong's Tubular fabric electronic slitter
Model: TFS-E-1
Yr of Mfg.1989; Maker: Fong's-Hong Kong

1 unit Overes slitting machine EKS2505 Tube opening
system automation
Model: EKS 2505
Yr of Mfg.1992; Maker: Overex Horst Schultz

1 unit "TUNG YANG" heat setting m/c
Model: TY-3000
Yr of Mfg.1989; Maker: Tung Yang-Taiwan

Packing Section
2 units Automation edge control winding m/c
Model: STT-150
Yr of Mfg.1989/1991; Maker: Shiaw Tai Tong

1 unit Hsing Cheng Plaiting-2400mm
Model: HC-GIM-A4338
Yr of Mfg.2000; Maker: Hsing Cheng

Lab Section
1 unit Copower Automation dispensing machine
Model: Supra 108A
Yr of Mfg.Apr 2007; Maker; Copower-Taiwan
Remarks: Newly Installed

1 unit Copower Auto Mate System (fabric auto weight)
Model: CAMS 90
Yr of Mfg.Apr 2007; Maker: Copower-Taiwan
Remarks: Newly Installed

1 unit Data Color Spectrophotometer
Model: SF600 Plus CT
Yr of Mfg.1996; Maker: Data Color-U.S.A

2 units Fong's high temp.sample dyeing m/c
Model: SDM2-12-140
Yr of Mfg.1998; Maker: Fong's-Hong Kong

1 unit Labtec
Model: IR-24P
Yr of Mfg.2002; Maker: Taiwan

1 unit Dexter HT
Model: 24P
Yr of Mfg.1999; Maker: Taiwan

2 units Rapid Oscillating
Model: L-24A-2
Yr of Mfg.2003; Maker: Taiwan

1 unit Verivide (Light Box)
Model: CAC 60-4
Yr of Mfg.2003; Maker: -

1 unit Asmano Machine
Yr of Mfg.-; Maker: Japan

Facilities Section
1 unit Gas Boiler
Model: AS 1200/150
Yr of Mfg.1989; Maker: MechMar

1 unit Thermal Oil Heater (Medium: Biomass)
Model: MH 7057
Yr of Mfg.1989; Maker: MechMar

1 unit Wood Biomass Boiler
Model: MK 3057
Yr of Mfg.1989; Maker: MechMar

Used Dyeing Machines
- MC 14 - Dorg A - 150kg
- MC 15 - Dorg A - 150kg
- MC 16 - Dorg A - 900kg
- MC 17 - Dorg A - 900kg
- Slithirg Machine (Hsing Cheng) - 1 unit
- Tersionless Dryer (Dong A), 4 chambers - 1 unit
- Sun Super (Ilshung), 5 chambers - 1 unit
- Reverse Fabric Machine - 1 unit
- Thermoil Boiler (Mechmar), 8 million btu / hr - 1 unit
- Steam Boiler (Mechmar), 5 tonne / hr - 1 unit

1 unit dyeing m/c - Model L-24A-2 (Lab)

2 new sets of Aisa Kingdom model : Ak-SL250 dual
Dlow Dyeing M/Cc/w Standard Accessories
S/N: 33340 & 33360
1 new set of Asia Kingdom model : AK-SL500 dual
Floww Dyeing M/C c/w Standard Accessories
S/N : 33288

1 unit Fabric Loosening M/C

Sutiamoto (M) Sdn Bhd: Inv.DNS1114-1
1 Used Automation Fabric Edge Sewing Machine
Fongs 2000 kg
TY 500 kg
Her Tong 2000 kg

Style Manufacturing Sdn Bhd; Inv.Inv1903/001 (PO.F0013101)
1 unit Broken Open Setting Machine (Babcock Stenter Machine)
Open Setting Machine (D-21220 Seevetal-Maschen); Typ: 5805 2000 AUFTR. NR. A99138001.002

LSH Venture
Calendering Machine

Other machines similar to Fong's, Longclose Dyed Knitted Fabric Section

Location : ASIA (South East)
Year(s) : 1983, 2003
Location : RUSSIA and Central Asia
Year(s) : 2007
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Year(s) : 2003, 2006, 2010, 2013
Location : AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
Year(s) : 1985, 2007