
Esseteam Exakta 11NM

Ref : 2615768-15-MT
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : Esseteam
Model : Exakta 11NM
Nb Of Axis : -
Year(s) : 2000
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
EUROPE (Western and Northern)

CNC drilling center c-express 920 classic
including collet system for CNC continuous technology.
Drilling/sawing/milling operations from below (optionally without Milling spindle)
Laser '0' double reference
Drill head DH15 6H1S, 9 vertical-6 horizontal
Drill spindle, 1 groove saw in X direction
Easiest operation via graphical
User interface. 1 machine software license
Safety device in accordance with CE conformity.
Max workpiece dim.: X 3000mm, Y 920mm, Z 50mm
Min workpiece dimension:X280mm,Y 180mm, Z10mm
19' LCD color display, mouse and keyboard
Machine dimension: 2100x1500x1950
Machine weight: 850kg
Additional roll inserts around the minimum
Reduce workpiece width to 7'Omm.
CNC tool set for CXP 920 Classic
Consisting of: 1x circular saw blade HW

Description of the programming editor:
1 machine workstation
CAD function (mirroring, rotating, repeat etc). Graphical representation of 5 pages of parametric programming with
Application of geometric and mathematical rules, up to 300 variables.
Programming the processing directly horizontal and vertical surfaces.
Programming of single, multiple and Row drillings, fittings etc...
Programming slanted lines with automatic speed control.
Description of the programming editor
Automatic correction of the tool radius.
Possibility to turn off certain edits. Multiple zoom settings.
Conditional programming (Blocks IF/EndIF} also in relation to subprograms.
Absolute and incremental programming.
Programming of subprograms with the possibility of this multiply, reflect and rotate.
Graphical representation for everyone
Edits during the programming phase.
Easy control of the program using 3D view.
Long program names, up to 256 characters.
Retrieval of machine equipment and tool properties.
Pocket milling for 'defining shapes' (circle Square etc.) can be in the form of macros be filed.
Individual programs and repeatable program lists.
Optimization the tool paths with possibility certain
Edits should be processed with priority.
Oscilloscope SW for optical representation of the logical states of all inputs and outputs and the position of the axes.
Digital Display of speeds and current consumption all engines.
Import data in the form of dxf files in ASCII format. expression of ISO codes or graphical expression of the programmed workpiece.
Barcode connection Duration of processing the programmed workpiece.

Milling spindle 3.3kW (S1)
Collet ER32 manual
Maximum speed 24,000 rpm
Tool changes are carried out manually included operating tool.
Attached to the Z axis, movement via ball screw
Unload the workpiece at the rear
Choice on the control terminal whether after the workpiece on the machining
Front or rear of the machine should be unloaded.
Additional vertical clamp
Additionally vertical device for clamping large workpieces.
The increased holding force results in a optimal processing results guaranteed.

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Location : AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
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