Eppendorf EpMotion P5073 Pipetting robot
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
With adaptable pipetting head (can automatically switch between
single and eight-fold head).
Suitable for any type of routine application, such as PCR and qPCR preparation, serial dilution, distribution of reagents, transfer of samples from reaction vessels to plates and sample normalization of up to 4x 96-well microtiter PCR plates.
Volume range depending on the pipette tip type used: 0.2-1000 µL.
1x 8-way multi-pipetting head 1-50µl, 1x 1-way pipetting head 1-50µl,
2x tip tray for epT.I.P.S. Motion 50µl, 1x thermoadapter PCR 96, 1x thermorack 0.5ml + adapter/1.5ml/2ml, 1x reservoir rack.
Incl. PC and software Epmotion