Engel ES 1350 H 500 W350 HL-2F 350 T
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Horizontal injection molding machine, TP/TPE
Injection unit 1:
- Screw diameter: 60 mm
- Injection volume: 735 cm³
- Heating zones FAP: 32
- Shut-off nozzle control: 6-way pneumatic
- Centering ring diameter FAP: 160 mm
- Unit distance: 200 mm Injection unit
Injection unit 2:
- Screw diameter: 40 mm
- Injection volume: 251 cm³
- Centering ring diameter FAP: 160 mm
Clamping unit:
- Clamping force max.: 3,500 kN
- Clamping platens: 1,400 x 1,030 mm HL
- Tool installation height min.: 565 mm
- Tool installation height max.: 1,520 mm
- Number of core pulls FAP: 2
- Number of core pulls BAP: 4
- Sliding jaw monitoring: Yes
- Weight approx.: 5,600 kg
Removal handling/robot: ERC 84/1-E RC 100 integrated
- Weight approx.: 140 kg
All systems without temperature control devices,
dosing systems, etc.
Further TP/LSR or TP/rubber injection molding machines under
rubber injection molding machines