Drager Zeus Infinity Anaesthesia Workstation
The Dräger Zeus Infinity Empowered combines ease of use with
innovative technology. Taking the anaesthesia process well
beyond present frontiers, the Zeus IE represents a
technological milestone that gives you outstanding system
integration and workflow control. The Dräger Zeus IE lets you
concentrate on your patient, not on your workstation.
Brand: Drager
Model: Zeus Infinity
Category: Anaesthetic Equipment
Offers you assistance and decision-supporting software
technologies that can support your workflow and help to
improve the quality of care.
Offers high ventilation quality in the OR on the ICU level and
can be used for patients of all ages and acuity levels.
It has a pioneering role when it comes to system integration.
You can set and monitor via the 20" graphical user interfaces
the ventilation, fresh-gas delivery and agent dosing.
The optionally integrated SmartPilot View, software to visualise
and predict the anaesthesia level, enables you to see
instantly the combined effect of volatile agent and opioids.